What is Planned Giving?
Planned gifts are simple to arrange, flexible, and provide benefits to both the donor and the Adventure. These gifts create a lasting legacy in the donor’s name, ensuring that the history and heritage of Adventure continue for generations to come.
Planned Giving options include:
Gifts designated in a will or trust
Charitable gift annuities
Life insurance gifts
Gifts of real estate or property
Gifts of stock or appreciated assets
Designating a Planned Gift to the Gloucester Adventure, inc. involves no cost and does not affect current cash flow or financial plans. These gifts do not have to be in cash, can offer tax savings, and may even generate income.
The benefits of Planned Gifts include:
Providing financial security for family members or loved ones
Transferring assets for greater earning potential
Reducing income and/or capital gains taxes
Generating income from a personal residence
Lowering tax liabilities for heirs
Establishing a lasting legacy for future generations at Adventure
Creating a more significant impact than initially imagined
Preparing an estate plan need not be complicated.
Take time to understand all your assets, including retirement funds, so you’re fully informed.
Reflect on the people and organizations that are most important to you.
Select a trustee who aligns with your values and vision.
Connect with an estate planning professional to guide you through the process.
Have open and heartfelt conversations with your loved ones and family about your decisions.